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Find the Right Goalie

Find the Right Goalie for Your Game!

Fill out our request a goalie form with all the proper information for the goalie you need

Request a Goalie

Request a Goalie

Find a Goalie for my Game Today!

Step 1

Goalie Info

Number of Goalies
Gender of Participants

Step 2

Game Info

Add some quick information about your game, such as the level of play and type of game (e.g. League Game, Drop-in/Shinny, Practice ect.)
Selected Value: 1
With 1 being a drop-in game and 5 being an intense playoff game, what is the level of your game?
If you are looking for a goalie for a tournament, you can head to our services page for more information, and then contact us through our Contact Page or email us at [email protected]

Step 3

Location and Date

Date / Time
Make sure to add what ice sheet the game may be at if applicable
Total Ice Time Length
If your ice time runs significantly longer than booked, the goaltender is entitled to an additional $10.

Step 4


Add your coupon code here!
I agree to pay the goalie what they are owed in the full amount agreed upon above at the game (Cash or E-Transfer)
Don't forget you can tip your goalies as well!